★大原まり子〈Mariko Ohara〉★

戦争を演じた神々たち(アスペクト)  80年、「一人で歩いていった猫」が第6回ハヤカワSFコンテストに佳作入選、デビュー。91年、『ハイブリッド・チャイルド』(早川書房)でファン投票の第22回星雲賞日本長編部門受賞。94年、『戦争を演じた神々たち(画像左)』(アスペクト)で第15回日本SF大賞受賞。 原作を担当したラジオドラマ『サイコサウンドマシン』(NHK-FM放送)は97年度、第35回ギャラクシー奨励賞受賞。98年、「インデペンデンス・デイ・イン・オオサカ(愛はなくとも資本主義)」(ジャストシステム、のちに廣済堂文庫、小学館文庫)で第29回星雲賞日本短編部門受賞。99年、短編集『みつめる女』(廣済堂文庫)は、「ダ・ヴィンチ」誌(メディアファクトリー)で、1999 Book of the Year恋愛小説部門23位
 社団法人 日本文芸家協会会員。日本SF作家クラブ会員。

Mariko Ohara was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1959.She graduated from the department of psychology,faculty of literature of Seisin University, Tokyo, in1981 and is the Bachelor of Arts.
Recent photograph Ohara's career as a writer was opened in 1980 when she was awarded honorable mention in the Sixth Hayakawa Science Fiction contest for "Hitori-de Aruiteitta Neko" (A Cat Who Walked Away Alone).
Ohara was awarded the best domestic novel of the 22nd Seiun Award (Japanese science-fiction literature award voted by the public) in 1991, for "Haiburiddo Chairudo" (Hybrid Child) and the 15th Nihon Science Fiction Taisho Award (Japanese Best Science Fiction) in 1995 with "Senso-wo Enjita Kamigamitachi" (Gods who Bandied War)"
Ohara is also awarded "the Prize of Encouragement" of the 35th Japanese Galaxy Award for the original script for a radio play "Saiko Saundo Machin (Psycho Sound Machine) " in 1997.
In 1998 she is awarded the best short novel prize of the 29th Seiun Award for "Indipendensu dei in Osaka- Ai-ha Nakutomo Shihonshugi" (Independence Day in Osaka - No Love Just Capitalism)
Among her numerous works are "Kyuketsuki Efemera" (Ephemera the Vampire)"Taimu Ripa (Time Leaper)". Ohara also wrote the original script of video game for Super-Nintendo "Gaia Gensoki (Illusion of Gaia)" and a collaboration with OKAZAKI Kyoko, "Mazikku Pointo (Magic Point.)"
Ohara currently runs serials in "Bungakukai" and "SF Magazine," and writes SF & fantasy book-review column in Asahi Newspaper.She is a member of the panel of judges of Nihon SF Taisho Awards since 1997 to 1999.She is a member of the panel of judges of Nihon SF Shinjinsho Awards since 1999 to 2001.
Ohara is a member of The Japanese Writers' Association, the club of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan.
the president of the club of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan since September, 1999 to September, 2001.

